Elvis knew his Bible well and believed the story of Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. Unlike Elvis, who was brought up on the Bible and Gospel stories, many people today have no idea of who Jesus is or what the Gospel is about. If we listen closely to the Gospel songs Elvis sang, we can get some idea of the wonder of the Gospel message. Perhaps the words of some of the songs that Elvis sang might help you to respond to the Gospel in the way that he would have wished.
You can just say about all that Gospel stuff Return to Sender because we’ve Got a Lot of Livin’ to do. You can also say that religion is just a kind of Good Luck Charm – only a bit of superstition to make you feel better when you get All Shook Up once in a while, or regret paying the heavy price for One Night of Sin.
Some, however are afraid that they’re too bad and that it is too late for A Fool Such as I and that they have missed their chance of finding God. Some fear they’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feeling for the things of God they once had, and that’s that. Elvis believed that God would give us another chance. Like many of us he needed it and we believe he found it.
You may feel deep down about God, that You’re Always on my Mind and when the chips are down and you’re left to your thoughts, I Just Can’t Help Believin’. We say that Elvis would not want you to stop there. It’s Funny How Time Slips Away… we ask you Doncha Think it’s Time? toReconsider Baby.Are You Lonesome Tonight? Is there an emptiness in your heart? If you feel stirred and moved and would really like to know the Lord for real, perhaps for you It’s now or Never.
When you think of Jesus dying on the cross you may not understand all about it, but If that Isn’t Love, nothing is. Many before you have said Where could I go but to The Lord? Elvis’ songs show how easy it can be to begin that relationship with Jesus, even a simple prayer sincerely said is how you can Put Your Hand in the Hand (of the Man from Galilee). All we can say is that when anyone is willing to Reach Out to Jesus they will know in their heart He Touched Me, and then they will want to sing for all to hear How Great Thou Art.
Only Believe and there will be everlasting Life and Peace in the Valley for you.
Perhaps you would like to pray the prayer that Elvis prayed a few hours before he died. “Dear Lord, please show me a way. I am tired and confused and I need your help.” Elvis prayed this prayer in the presence of his stepbrother, Rick Stanley. Elvis also said to Rick a few moments later “Rick, we should all begin to live for Christ.” Perhaps when Elvis said this, he had in mind the Bible passage from 2 Corinthians 5 verse 15: “and he (Christ) died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for him (Christ) who died for them and was raised again.” If you want to know more about what it means to live for Christ, please click here.
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Did Elvis ever preach the Gospel? click here
What Did Elvis Say?
Elvis is seen here wearing the lions head Jaycees pendant, giving his acceptance speech for the award of One of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Nation.

He received the notice of this award the day after is 36th birthday- a wonderful belated birthday surprise!
Thanks to David English and David Troedson of “Elvis Australia” www.elvis.com.au for this report of the event:
On January 16, 1971 Elvis attended a day of functions culminating in an evening awards banquet where he and nine others accepted the honour of being named ‘one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Nation ‘ by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce (The Jaycees). Elvis was nervous about his acceptance speech. He was touched, excited and deeply proud. After a two-thousand-dollar-a-plate dinner and a speech by future President George H.W. Bush, Elvis gives his address, in which he quotes a favorite Roy Hamilton R&B tune, ‘Without A Song’:
‘When I was a child, ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer. I read comic books, and I was the hero of the comic book.I saw movies, and I was the hero in the movie. So every dream I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times. These gentlemen over there, these are the type who care, are dedicated. You realize if it’s not possible that they might be building the Kingdom, it’s not far-fetched from reality. I learned very early in life that: ‘Without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain’t got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend, without a song’, So I keep singing a song. Goodnight. Thank you’.
This national honour has been given each year since the late 1930s and recognizes young men who have made great achievements in their field of endeavour, illustrating the opportunities available in the free enterprise system. It also applauds humanitarianism and community service. Scientists, inventors, performers, film-makers, politicians bound for the Presidency, and men of greatness in all fields, have been selected for this award over the years, including John F . Kennedy, Robert F . Kennedy, Orson Welles, Howard Hughes.
Elvis is Public About His Faith
During concerts sometimes, members of the audience would shout “Elvis you’re the king”, or in this case (see link below) hold up a banner. Elvis would always respond by saying that to him there is only one king and that is Jesus Christ
Elvis loved singing Gospel before and after concerts – in fact anytime

You can hear all of the gospel songs Elvis recorded on the 3CD set above available from: